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Safety science

Journal Volume: 159
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 34

"I'm energized to" & "I'm able to": a dual-path model of the influence of workplace spirituality on high-speed railway drivers' safety performance

A Bayesian two-stage approach to integrate simulator data and expert judgment in human error probability estimation

A construction accident prevention system based on the Internet of Things (IoT)

A popular systemic accident model in China: theory and applications of 24Model

An evaluation of violence prevention education in healthcare

Causal and contributing factors of accidents in the Ghanaian mining industry

Cognitive mechanism of construction workers' unsafe behavior: a systematic review

Cross-cultural effects on drivers' use of explicit and implicit communicative cues to predict intentions of other road users

Deadly meals: the influence of personal and job factors on burnout and risky riding behaviours of food delivery motorcyclists

Do safety cases demonstrate risks have been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable? an Australian study examining the methods of presenting safety cases

Editorial on Meta-learning peculiarities and approaches for facing safety issues and enhancing risk management process

Effect of S-shaped guardrails on pedestrian crowd flows in bottleneck areas

Estimating the financial benefits of employers' occupational health and safety expenditures

Examining the impact of exposure, built environment and socio-demographics on pedestrian safety: a case study of Greater London

Forecasting occupational safety performance and mining text-based association rules for incident occurrences

Formation and evolution mechanisms of truck overweight phenomenon in mainland China: systematic and historical perspectives

Fundamental diagrams for straight movement of pedestrians in water

How stair configurations in buildings affect pedestrian dynamics on stairs? A simulation study via an extended three-dimensional force-based model

Human reliability assessment on building construction work at height: the case of scaffolding work

Human-robot teaming in construction: evaluative safety training through the integration of immersive technologies and wearable physiological sensing

Hybrid visual information analysis for on-site occupational hazards identification: a case study on stairway safety

Motivational factors for occupational safety and health improvements: a mixed-method study within the Swedish equine sector

Predicting fatal fall from heights accidents using random forest classification machine learning model

Production pressure and its relationship to safety: a systematic review and future directions

Sitting posture influence in autonomous vehicles for the evaluation of occupant safety in side impact

Sustainability reporting pathway - is it a true reflection of organisational safety culture: insights from oil and gas and process sector of India

The cultural-historical development of occupational accidents and diseases prevention in France: a scoping review

The influence of learning-oriented leadership for promoting future-directed workplace safety in the mining industry

The performance of wildfire danger indices: a Swedish case study

The validity and measurement equivalence of a brief safety climate questionnaire across casual and permanent workers

Toward the translation of systems thinking methods in patient safety practice: assessing the validity of Net-HARMS and AcciMap

Wildland-urban interface fires in Norwegian coastal heathlands - identifying risk reducing measures

Work stressors, coping strategies, and poor mental health in the Chinese construction industry

Working hour patterns and risk of occupational accidents. an optimal matching analysis in a hospital employee cohort